Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel - IPv4 Endpoint updater - MikroTik Script RouterOS
This script will update a Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Client IPv4 address.
This script uses the fetch command with the url= parameter. Check that your version of RouterOS -> /tool fetch supports this option.
This script also works great when integrated with a dynamic DNS updater script.
For complete instructions on how to update your Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Client IPv4 address, see this link: [1] (
2017-03-05: Updated. Fresh version by mos6581 ( uses HTTPS and actual update URL
The script:
# Update Hurricane Electric IPv6 Tunnel Client IPv4 address
:local HEtunnelinterface "<<<6to4 Interface name>>>"
:local HEtunnelid "<<>>"
:local HEuserid "<<>>"
:local HEmd5pass "<<>>"
:local HEupdatehost ""
:local HEupdatepath "/nic/update"
:local WANinterface "<<>>"
:local outputfile ("HE-" . $HEtunnelid . ".txt")
# Internal processing below...
# ----------------------------------
:local HEipv4addr
# Get WAN interface IP address
:set HEipv4addr [/ip address get [/ip address find interface=$WANinterface] address]
:set HEipv4addr [:pick [:tostr $HEipv4addr] 0 [:find [:tostr $HEipv4addr] "/"]]
:if ([:len $HEipv4addr] = 0) do={
:log error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $WANinterface)
:error ("Could not get IP for interface " . $WANinterface)
# Update the HEtunnelinterface with WAN IP
/interface 6to4 {
:if ([get ($HEtunnelinterface) local-address] != $HEipv4addr) do={
:log info ("Updating " . $HEtunnelinterface . " local-address with new IP " . $HEipv4addr . "...")
set ($HEtunnelinterface) local-address=$HEipv4addr
:log info ("Updating IPv6 Tunnel " . $HEtunnelid . " Client IPv4 address to new IP " . $HEipv4addr . "...")
/tool fetch mode=https \
host=($HEupdatehost) \
url=("https://" . $HEupdatehost . $HEupdatepath . \
"?hostname=" . $HEtunnelid . \
"&myip=" . $HEipv4addr) \
user=($HEuserid) \
password=($HEmd5pass) \
:log info ([/file get ($outputfile) contents])
/file remove ($outputfile)