Block Website With Keywords Use DNS Static - MikroTik Script RouterOS

How to block sites with static DNS using an automatic script based on selected keywords.

1. Don't change the rules first, the script, especially for keywords (keywords), preferably the keyword because for example I input seconds and a compass
2. By default, the website that I blog I get used to local ip you can send it to another site, for example for positive internet ip on ip
3. For TTL by default for 24 hours (1s), just change it, for example, only 6 hours
4.Please enter the Mikrotik shcedule or via a free script and it is better if the time is running, not too fast, I personally set it for only 10 minutes
5. This script eats up a little of resources so sorry for 750 and below it should take a little longer.
6. I have made a complete description, sorry, my English is a bit messy: p good luck ...

Make sure to only use Mikrotik DNS: 

/ip firewall nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat comment=DNS dst-port=53 protocol=tcp to-ports=53
add action=redirect chain=dstnat dst-port=53 protocol=udp to-ports=53 
Paste this script on shcedule

# Find all entry on dns cache
:foreach i in=[/ip dns cache all find where (name~"poker" || name~"porn" || name~"cheat" || name~"detik" || 
name~"kompas") && (type="A") ] do={
# find and filtering keyword and only find record for type A
# for keyword just add keyword || name~"KEYWORD") before && (type="A")
:local tmpDNSsite [/ip dns cache get $i name];
:local tmpDNSip [/ip dns cache get $i address];
# save to local cache by string
delay delay-time=10ms
# wait for 10ms
:if ( [/ip dns static find where name=$tmpDNSsite ] = "") do={ 
# chek for no more duplicate site on cache
:log warning ("Added site to block on dns: $tmpDNSsite : $tmpDNSip");
# show info on warning log
/ip dns static add name=$tmpDNSsite address= ttl="1d 00:00:00" comment="Site Block for $tmpDNSsite : $tmpDNSip";
# add site to dns static entry if null
# you can change address= to another ip address or your bloked site info like Internet positif
# you can change for how long TTL time can bock for site
# end script