Backup Graphing Data - Mikrotik Script RouterOS
RouterOS shows graphs of queues, interfaces, memory, cpu, and disk usage. This script will allow you to backup such graphing data on RouterOS to files that are directly accessible.
Update: 3/10/2010: Now captures weekly.gif (missing from previous release)
# Backup graphing data
:local graphaddress ""
:local graphport 80
:local graphimages "daily.gif, weekly.gif, monthly.gif, yearly.gif"
# Internal processing...
:local graphpath
# Main graphs page
:set graphpath ("graphs/")
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath) dst-path=($graphpath . "index.html")
# Resource graphs
:foreach g in=[:toarray "cpu,ram,hdd"] do={
:set graphpath ("graphs/" . [:tostr $g] . "/")
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath) dst-path=($graphpath . "index.html")
:foreach i in=[:toarray $graphimages] do={
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i]) dst-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i])
# Queue graphs
# Only simple queues are available (both enabled and disabled)
:foreach g in=[/queue simple find] do={
:set graphpath ("graphs/queue/" . [/queue simple get $g name] . "/")
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath) dst-path=($graphpath . "index.html")
:foreach i in=[:toarray $graphimages] do={
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i]) dst-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i])
# Interface graphs
# Only running interfaces are available
:foreach g in=[/interface find] do={
:if ([/interface get $g running] = [:tobool true]) do={
:set graphpath ("graphs/iface/" . [/interface get $g name] . "/")
/tool fetch address=$graphaddress port=$graphport mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath) dst-path=($graphpath . "index.html")
:foreach i in=[:toarray $graphimages] do={
/tool fetch address= port=8000 mode=http \
src-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i]) dst-path=($graphpath . [:tostr $i])