A script to set up WAN/LAN/WLAN to get you started - Mikrotik Script RouterOS
NOTE - This script only works on ROS 4.6-5.x it does not work on ROS 6.x
In version 4.6, MikroTik deprecated some commands. The script has been edited to support the new command set and consequently won't work on any version prior to 4.6. The method of checking the version number appears to be broken in 5.0beta2 and so there is no longer any check before the script is run. If you run it on a version <4.6 or >=6, it'll just crash nastily instead.
The Explanation
I wanted a script which would set up a ROS box in a reasonably generic way, allowing it to be customised after all the samey-samey stuff had been done.
The script below allows the setting up of LAN, WAN (direct connect or PPPoE) and, optionally, WLAN. It is entirely driven by variables which are defined in the first part of the script.
A brief description of the functions configured:
Set password for admin user
Set up NTP client, including adding a script to ensure pool.ntp.org FQDNs are regularly resolved and updated
Set up NTP server on LAN/WLAN
Set up e-mail details (so the box can e-mail you)
Set up name servers
Set up PPPoE connection (optional)
Set up WiFi access point and bridge to LAN (optional)
Set up WAN and LAN addressing and default gateway
Set up DHCP server on LAN/WLAN (optional)
Configure NAT on LAN/WLAN (optional)
Set up basic firewall rules
Add and schedule script to ensure mail server FQDN is resolved regularly
Add and schedule script to ensure NTP servers FQDNs are resolved regularly
Add and schedule script to take system backup
Add and schedule script to run on boot to notify of reboot
Add and schedule script to monitor PPPoE connection and restart if we are allocated an address we're not expecting (useful for UK BT based ADSL circuits where BT decide to take over the connection every now and again) (optional)
I would appreciate feedback on this - if you have found it useful or if you have any suggestions for improving it, please don't hesitate to contact me - on the Mikrotik Forum, my username is 'nab'.
The Complete Script
# Basic ROS config
# Save this file as 'configscript.rsc' and drag it to the files window.
# At the command line, type '/import configscript.rsc' and read the
# logs!
# 20090915 - Nick Barnes - www.vitell.co.uk
# No rights reserved. Tinker to your heart's desire.
# It would be nice to know if you found this useful though - please
# e-mail info at vitell dot co dot uk. Cheers.
# The purpose of this script is to create a standard SOHO type
# configuration which can be built on by the user.
# It does not provide a complete solution, but should be enough
# to get you up and running.
# As this script stands, it will trash your existing configuration
# so don't run it on a router which has been customised or it won't
# be any more!
# DO NOT run this on a live production system.
# We accept absolutely no liability whatsoever. If you choose to run
# this script, anything bad that happens is entirely your problem.
# Of course, if you're happy, please let us know!!
# We recommend that your configuration be cleared with the command
# '/system routerboard reset-configuration'
# before this script is run.
# Make your changes here:
# Changes should be made to the text inside the speechmarks, for example....
# :local variablename "contents"
# should NOT be changed to
# :local myvariablename "contents"
# as this will crash everything!!
# Instead, you should put
# :local variablename "mycontents"
# or somesuch.
# Secure your RouterOS! Set the password you would like to use when logging on as 'admin'.
:local adminpassword "Password";
# Time servers (NTP).
# We use two NTP servers and these must be specified as FQDNs
# (Fully qualified domain names) - i.e. not IP addresss.
# Note that NTP we cannot assume that at the time configuration is run you will have an Internet
# connection and so we cannot set this up with the addresses you choose immediately (if we try to
# but RouterOS cannot resolve the host names, the script will crash). So we set up dummy IP addresses
# to start with and then configure a script to run regularly to ensure that
# the following addresses are used once the Internet connection is up. This sounds long and
# complicated, but it's actually a better way of doing things anyway - it means that if the IP
# addresses change for these hosts (as they will do if you use the pool.ntp.org addresses), your
# RouterOS will always be connected to a working server.
# The defaults are fine, but you may want to change one of the servers to point at your ISPs
# service if they run one.
:local ntpa "0.uk.pool.ntp.org";
:local ntpb "1.uk.pool.ntp.org";
# Now we define the temporary IP addresses to use pending resolution of the FQDNs above.
# You can probably leave them at the defaults, but this may mean that your ROS doesn't get
# the correct time for an hour or so. Note that once it has the correct time, it'll keep those
# IPs, so after a reboot, time syncing should be really quick.
:local ntptempa "";
:local ntptempb "";
# Set up mail defaults
# The 'emailserver' must be a FQDN and this setting works in the same way as the NTP servers above
# (i.e. we cannot assume that we can resolve the name right now)
:local emailserver "your.smtp.smarthost.com";
# Again, in the same way we did for NTP, above, we'll use the following IP address until we
# can resolve the FQDN specified above. You're OK leaving this as the default, but doing so
# may mean that e-mail doesn't work until the FQDN can be resolved.
:local emailservertempip "";
# The default address e-mails will appear to have been sent from.
:local emailfrom "RouterBoard ";
# The e-mail address which should be notified about things happening on this system.
:local emailto "your.email@address";
# Name servers must be IP addresses (i.e. not a FQDN)
:local nsa "";
:local nsb "";
# Use NAT (yes/no) - Set to 'yes' unless you know what you're doing!
:local natuse "yes";
# Use PPPoE (yes/no) - Set to 'no' unless you know what you're doing!
:local pppoeuse "no";
# Offer NTP to LAN (yes/no) - Leave this as 'no' unless you have installed the NTP package.
# This sets the system up as a NTP server. This probably isn't necessary for simple solutions
# but can save a lot of bandwidth for larger systems
:local ntpserver "no";
# Your PPPoE login details (ignored if PPPoE is not used)
# PPPoE is configured on the WAN interface in addition to the WAN IP addresses defined below.
# Username
:local pppoeuser "[email protected]";
# Password
:local pppoepassword "mypassword";
# The IP address you expect to have allocated to this interface.
# Set to empty ("") if your address is allocated dynamically.
# This is used to determine whether the link has gone down and you
# have been allocated an incorrect IP address (typically this would
# be when you have BT broadband in the UK!)
# Leaving this variable blank means that a monitoring script will not
# be created.
:local pppoeipaddress "";
# Interfaces
# You may define one WAN interface
# You may define an ethernet LAN interface and/or a wireless LAN interface
# If you want both ethernet and wireless, a bridge is created across
# the two interfaces.
# Do we want to have our LAN on Ethernet (yes/no)
:local useetherlan "yes";
# Do we want to have our LAN on Wireless (yes/no)
:local usewlan "no";
# WAN interface
:local waninterface "ether1";
# Ethernet LAN interface
:local etherlaninterface "ether2";
# Wireless LAN interface
:local wlaninterface "wlan1";
# Name of bridge to create if both useetherlan and usewlan are 'yes'
# You can safely leave this alone.
:local bridgeinterface "bridge1";
# Name of PPPoE interface to create if pppoeuse is 'yes'
# You can safely leave this alone.
:local pppoeinterface "MyPPPoE";
# WAN and LAN IP addresses and bits
# The WAN address to use, the network it's in and the number of bits in the subnet mask.
# These are NOT checked!! Note that even if you are using PPPoE, you will still want to
# define a WAN network so you can browse the web pages of your ADSL modem!
:local wanaddress "";
:local wannetwork "";
:local wanbits "30";
# And the same for the LAN address
:local lanaddress "";
:local lannetwork "";
:local lanbits "24";
# Define the gateway
# If we are using PPPoE, this is not used, otherwise it's our route out to the world
# and should probably be the address of your ADSL modem/router.
:local wangateway "";
# Wireless configuration
# This is only used if usewlan, above is "yes"
# If you want a wireless LAN, this script sets one up with WPA and WPA2 security.
# Define the frequency we want to run on. We suggest you leave this at the default and tweak it
# later if required.
:local wlanfreq "2412";
# Your SSID
:local wlanssid "MySSID";
# The Key to use.
:local wlankey "ChangeMePlease";
# Act as DHCP server to LAN (yes/no)
:local dhcpuse "no";
# Define the start and end addresses of the pool to offer.
:local dhcppoolstart "";
:local dhcppoolend "";
# If required, define the domain. You can probably leave this as the default.
:local dhcpdomain "";
# Set failsafe access (yes/no)
# Add rule to firewall to allow full and complete access from your LAN to your ROS system?
# There's probably no harm in this (assuming you've got passwords set wherever you need them)
# especially since your LAN IPs are granted access anyway, but if you want it, you
# must turn it on here
:local fwallallowlan "yes";
# Don't change anything below this line. Please!
# Set up logging so we get more than the standard 100 lines.
/system logging action set memory memory-lines=500
:log info "Starting pre-flight checks";
:local failedtests "0";
# Version check
# Note that this check has been disabled as it causes a script error in 5.0beta2.
# I've left it in here for completeness.
#:if ([/system resource get version] < "4.6") do={
# :log error "This script is not supported on the installed ROS version.";
# :log error "Please install ROS v4.6 or higher.";
# :set failedtests "1";
# }
# Check that if we're using an ethernet LAN, the interface defined exists.
:if ($useetherlan = "yes" and [/interface find name=$etherlaninterface] = "") do={
:log error "Specified Ethernet LAN interface '$etherlaninterface' doesn't exist.";
:set failedtests "1";
# Check that if we're using a wireless LAN, we have the wireless package installed.
:if ($usewlan = "yes" and [/system package find name=wireless disabled=no] = "") do={
:log error "\$usewlan=\"yes\", but wireless package is not installed.";
:set failedtests "1";
# Check that if we're using a wireless LAN, the interface exists.
:if ($usewlan = "yes" and [/interface find name=$wlaninterface] = "") do={
:log error "Specified Wireless LAN interface '$wlaninterface' doesn't exist.";
:set failedtests "1";
# Check that the WAN interface exists
:if ([/interface find name=$waninterface] = "") do={
:log error "Specified WAN interface '$waninterface' doesn't exist.";
:set failedtests "1";
# Check that we aren't using the same interface for different purposes
:if ((($useetherlan = "yes") and ($usewlan = "yes") and ($etherlaninterface = $wlaninterface)) or \
(($useetherlan = "yes") and ($etherlaninterface = $waninterface)) or \
(($usewlan = "yes") and ($wlaninterface = $waninterface))) do={
:log error "two or all of eLAN, wLAN and WAN interfaces are set to the same value";
:set failedtests "1";
# If we want PPPoE, we need the PPP package.
:if ($pppoeuse = "yes" and [/system package find name=ppp disabled=no] = "") do={
:log error "\$pppoeuse=\"yes\", but PPP package is not installed.";
:set failedtests "1";
# If we want to be a NTP server, we need the NTP package.
:if ($ntpserver = "yes" and [/system package find name=ntp disabled=no] = "") do={
:log error "\$ntpserver=\"yes\", but NTP package is not installed.";
:set failedtests "1";
# If we've failed any of the tests above, die!
:if ($failedtests != "0") do={
:put "";
:put "";
:error "Script execution stopped under error condition. Please see the system log for details.";
# Clearing out the garbage.
/system scheduler remove [find];
/interface bridge remove [find];
/interface bridge port remove [find];
/ip address remove [find];
/ip route remove [find dst-address=];
/ip dhcp-server remove [find];
/ip pool remove [find];
/ip dhcp-server network remove [find];
/system script remove [find];
/ip firewall address-list remove [find];
/ip firewall nat remove [find];
/ip firewall filter remove [find];
# Set admin password
:log info "Setting admin password";
/user set admin password="$adminpassword";
# Configure e-mail
:log info "Configuring e-mail details";
/tool e-mail set from="$emailfrom" password="" server=("$emailservertempip" . ":25") username="";
# Get wireless working if required.
:if ($usewlan = "yes") do={
:log info "Setting Wireless LAN security";
:execute "/interface wireless reset-configuration $wlaninterface";
:execute "/interface wireless security-profiles remove [find name!=default]";
:execute "/interface wireless security-profiles add \
authentication-types=wpa-psk,wpa2-psk,wpa-eap,wpa2-eap eap-methods=\
passthrough group-ciphers=tkip,aes-ccm group-key-update=5m \
interim-update=0s mode=dynamic-keys name=autoconfig \
unicast-ciphers=tkip,aes-ccm \
wpa-pre-shared-key=$wlankey wpa2-pre-shared-key=$wlankey";
:execute "/interface wireless set $wlaninterface band=2.4ghz-b/g \
default-authentication=yes default-forwarding=yes disabled=no \
frequency=$wlanfreq mode=ap-bridge \
security-profile=autoconfig \
# Work out which is the correct LAN interface to use...
# Essentially, if we're using etherLAN and wlan, we need to bridge the
# two together.
:local internalinterface;
:if ($useetherlan = "yes") do={
:if ($usewlan = "yes") do={
:set internalinterface "$bridgeinterface";
} else={
:set internalinterface "$etherlaninterface";
} else={
:if ($usewlan = "yes") do={
:set internalinterface "$wlaninterface";
} else={
:set internalinterface "$bridgeinterface";
# Set up the bridge and add the interfaces if required.
:if ($internalinterface = $bridgeinterface) do={
/interface bridge add admin-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 ageing-time=5m arp=enabled auto-mac=yes \
comment="Automatic" disabled=no forward-delay=15s l2mtu=65535 max-message-age=20s \
mtu=1500 name=$bridgeinterface priority=0x8000 protocol-mode=none \
/interface bridge port add bridge=$bridgeinterface comment="Automatic" disabled=no edge=auto external-fdb=auto \
horizon=none interface=$etherlaninterface path-cost=10 point-to-point=auto priority=0x80
/interface bridge port add bridge=$bridgeinterface comment="Automatic" disabled=no edge=auto external-fdb=auto \
horizon=none interface=$wlaninterface path-cost=10 point-to-point=auto priority=0x80
:log info "Using $internalinterface as the internal interface.";
# Set up interfaces with the correct addresses
:log info "Setting WAN IP address to $wanaddress/$wanbits on interface $waninterface";
/ip address add address="$wanaddress/$wanbits" comment="WAN" disabled=no interface=$waninterface;
:log info "Setting LAN IP address to $lanaddress/$lanbits on interface $internalinterface";
/ip address add address="$lanaddress/$lanbits" comment="LAN" disabled=no interface=$internalinterface;
# Sort out gateway
:if ($pppoeuse != "yes") do={
:log info "Setting gateway to $wangateway";
/ip route add comment="Default route" disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway=$wangateway;
} else={
:log info "Not setting gateway as this will be provided by PPPoE.";
# And DNS
:log info "Setting DNS servers to $nsa and $nsb"
/ip dns set allow-remote-requests=yes cache-max-ttl=1w cache-size=2048KiB \
max-udp-packet-size=512 servers="$nsa,$nsb";
# Set up DHCP server if required
:if ($dhcpuse = "yes") do={
:log info "Setting DHCP server on interface $internalinterface, pool $dhcppoolstart-$dhcppoolend";
/ip pool add name=DHCPpool ranges="$dhcppoolstart-$dhcppoolend";
/ip dhcp-server network add address="$lannetwork/$lanbits" comment="DHCP" \
dns-server="$nsa,$nsb" domain=$dhcpdomain;
/ip dhcp-server add address-pool=DHCPpool authoritative=yes disabled=no \
interface=$internalinterface lease-time=3d name=DHCPserver;
} else={
:log info "Skipping DHCP server configuration.";
# Set up PPPoE if required
:if ($pppoeuse = "yes") do={
/interface pppoe-client remove [find];
:log info "Setting up PPPoE";
/interface pppoe-client add add-default-route=yes allow=chap comment="PPPoE" \
dial-on-demand=no disabled=no interface=$waninterface max-mru=1492 max-mtu=1492 \
mrru=disabled name="$pppoeinterface" password=$pppoepassword profile=default.html \
service-name="" use-peer-dns=no user=$pppoeuser;
} else={
:log info "Skipping PPPoE configuration.";
# Set up NTP client (doesn't matter what addresses we specify here as long as there's something there)
:log info "Setting up NTP client with dummy addresses.";
/system ntp client set enabled=yes mode=unicast primary-ntp="$ntptempa" secondary-ntp="$ntptempb";
:log info "Creating script to update with NTP servers $ntpa and $ntpb";
/system script add name=setntpip policy=ftp,write,winbox source="# Get the current client status\r\
:local ntpclientstatus [/system ntp client get status];\r\
:if (\$ntpclientstatus=\"synchronized\") do={:error \"Already synchronised\"};\r\
# Resolve the two ntp hostnames\r\
:local ntpipa [:resolve \"$ntpa\"];\r\
:local ntpipb [:resolve \"$ntpb\"];\r\
/system ntp client set primary-ntp=\"\$ntpipa\" secondary-ntp=\"\$ntpipb\";";
:log info "Scheduling script.";
/system scheduler add comment="Set the correct NTP addresses" disabled=no interval=1h name=setntpservers on-event=setntpip \
policy=write,test start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=12:34:56;
:log info "Running script on the offchance all interfaces are set up and it will work."
:execute setntpip;
# Set up as NTP server
:if ($ntpserver = "yes") do={
:log info "Setting up NTP server";
/system ntp server set broadcast=no enabled=yes manycast=yes multicast=no;
} else={
:log info "Skipping NTP server configuration.";
# Start with the firewall stuff.
# First, define local addresses.
:log info "Adding $lannetwork/$lanbits to local address list.";
/ip firewall address-list add address="$lannetwork/$lanbits" comment="LAN" disabled=no list=local
# Set up NAT if required. We need to know which interface to use (PPPoE or WAN)
:local natinterface;
:if ($natuse = "yes") do={
:if ($pppoeuse = "yes") do={
:log info "Using PPPoE interface for NAT";
:set natinterface "$pppoeinterface";
} else={
:log info "Using WAN interface for NAT";
:set natinterface "$waninterface";
:log info "NATting to interface $natinterface";
/ip firewall nat add action=https://masquerade chain=srcnat comment="NAT" disabled=no out-interface="$natinterface"
} else={
:log info "Skipping NAT configuration.";
# Add filter rules
/ip firewall filter
:log info "Setting filters";
add action=https://accept chain=input comment="Local access to RB for Winbox" \
disabled=no dst-port=8291 protocol=tcp src-address-list=local
# Failsafe access
:if ($fwallallowlan = "yes") do={
:if ($useetherlan = "yes") do={
add action=https://accept chain=input comment="eLAN" disabled=no in-interface="$etherlaninterface";
:if ($usewlan = "yes") do={
add action=https://accept chain=input comment="wLAN" disabled=no in-interface="$wlaninterface";
:if (($useetherlan = "yes") and ($usewlan = "yes")) do={
add action=https://accept chain=input comment="bridge" disabled=no in-interface="$bridgeinterface";
add action=https://jump chain=input comment="Treat all traffic equally" \
disabled=no jump-target=inbound
add action=https://jump chain=forward comment="Treat all traffic equally" disabled=no jump-target=inbound
add action=https://drop chain=inbound comment="Drop invalid" connection-state=invalid \
add action=https://accept chain=inbound comment="Allow limited icmp" disabled=no \
limit=50/5s,2 protocol=icmp
add action=https://drop chain=inbound comment="Drop excess icmp" disabled=no \
add action=https://accept chain=inbound comment="Accept established" \
connection-state=established disabled=no
add action=https://accept chain=inbound comment="Accept related" connection-state=\
related disabled=no
add action=https://accept chain=inbound comment=\
"Internal traffic can do what it wants." disabled=no src-address-list=\
add action=https://drop chain=inbound comment="And drop everything else" disabled=no
add action=https://accept chain=output comment="Allow everything out" disabled=no
# Now to add some useful scripts
/system script
# Configure scripts
:log info "Creating automatic mail server setting script";
/system script add name=setmail policy=ftp,write,winbox source="# Resolve the mail server hostname\r\
:local emailserverip [:resolve \"$emailserver\"];\r\
/tool e-mail set server=\"\$emailserverip\";"
:log info "Scheduling automatic mail server setting script to run hourly.";
/system scheduler add comment="Set the correct mail server addresses" disabled=no interval=1h name=setmailserver on-event=setmail \
policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=12:34:56;
:log info "Running script on the offchance all interfaces are set up and it will work."
:execute setmail;
# Automatic backup
:log info "Creating automatic backup script";
/system script add name=makebackup policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive source="\r\
:log info \"Starting Backup Script\";\r\
:local SYSname [/system identity get name];\r\
:put \"\$SYSname\";\r\
/export file=\"\$SYSname\";\r\
:log info \"Finished exporting configuration\";\r\
/tool e-mail send to=\"$emailto\" subject=(\$SYSname . \" backup\") file=(\$SYSname . \".rsc\");\r\
:delay 10s;\r\
/file remove (\$SYSname . \".rsc\");\r\
:log info \"Finished Backup Script\"";
:log info "Scheduling automatic backup script to run weekly.";
/system scheduler add comment="Set the correct mail server addresses" disabled=no interval=7d name=runbackup on-event=makebackup \
policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=12:34:56;
# System startup notification
:log info "Creating system startup notification script";
/system script add name=Systemstartupnotification policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,sniff source="\r\
:local date ([:pick [/system clock get date] 7 11] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 3] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 4 6]);\r\
:log info \"Running system startup script\";\r\
:local filename ([/system identity get name] . \"Log-\" . \$date);\r\
:local fullfilename (\$filename . \".txt\");\r\
/log print file=\$fullfilename;\r\
/tool e-mail send to=\"$emailto\" subject=(\"Routerboard reboot - \" . \$filename) file=\$filename \\\r\
body=\"RouterOS was restarted (RB rebooted?). Recent logs attached.\";\r\
:delay 10s;\r\
/file remove \$fullfilename;\r\
:log info (\"System Log emailed at \" . [/system clock get time] . \" \" . \$date);\r\
:log info "Scheduling system startup notification script to run on startup.";
/system scheduler add comment="We've been rebooted" disabled=no interval=0s name=reboot on-event=Systemstartupnotification \
policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-time=startup;
# Restart PPPoE if the IP address isn't what we expect
:if ($pppoeuse = "yes" and $pppoeipaddress != "") do={
/system script add name=checkpppoe policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,winbox,password,sniff,sensitive source="\r\
# Define the following two\r\
# Name of the PPPoE interface\r\
:local pppoeint \"$pppoeinterface\";\r\
:local expectedip \"$pppoeipaddress/32\";\r\
:local curip [/ip address get [find interface=\$pppoeint] address];\r\
:if (\$curip != \$expectedip) do={\r\
/interface disable \"\$pppoeint\";\r\
:delay 1s;\r\
/interface enable \"\$pppoeint\";\r\
/system scheduler add comment="Check PPPoE" disabled=no interval=2m name=checkpppoe on-event=checkpppoe \
policy=reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=12:34:56;
:log info "Auto configuration ended.";
:put "";
:put "Auto configuration ended. Please check the system log.";
:put "";